



This is calligraphy art. Borrowing “エ” from the kanji character “空”, “エ” is also the “工” of “Ingenuity”, and the Kanji character “天” means Heaven. Miyamoto Musashi has a saying, “Niten Ichiryu”. I wondered if it would be possible to make Santen into a single flow.


The kanji character ‘心 Heart’ is added to the bottom of ‘大 Big’ to form ‘シ shi’ in katakana. I drew it with the image of the three heavenly hearts becoming one. Thank you.


By the way, “シ Shi” is expressed as “B” in the music codename. Katakana “シ shi” can also be seen as “ミ mi” depending on how you look at it. “E” is the codename of “ミ mi” music. There is no particular meaning. But this world is full of mysteries.









B a c k T o T o p B a c k T o T o p